3 Ways To Get And Stay Motivated To Exercise After 50
One of the toughest things to do sometimes is getting motivated – but when you get motivated, then staying motivated is the challenge.
So, let’s get right to it – You know you need to exercise – but are you having trouble getting motivated and then staying motivated?
Here are 3 things you can start doing tomorrow:
Make exercising so easy you can’t resist. If we don’t like to do something then it’s hard to get motivated – so make it super easy that you cannot say no to doing it. Example: In the morning while brushing your teeth – do 15 heel raises. While waiting for your toast in the morning do 10 squats. While sitting at your desk at work – do 2 stretches while taking a break. This will help you get started to gradually
Have a go to routine. Some days will be better than others; you may want to be more active and other days not so much. Have a go to exercise routine so that you don’t have to think about what to do – you already have something up your sleeve. This will take all of the guess work out of exercise for the day – but still help you stay on track.
What will happen if you don’t change? It’s important to know what your future has in store if you do not become more active. We know that activity helps to prevent those unwanted doctor visits, diseases and taking medications. Write down where you see yourself in 1-5 years if you do not change, and also who around you will that affect. Knowing the possibility of your future will certainly get you motivated.
Comment below and let me know your biggest challenge with getting or staying motivated.
Until Next Time,
Stay Happy & Healthy
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