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We’re Changing the Focus of Healthcare in America from Sickness to Wellness.

See our Blog and Resource Network here.  Visit our Wellness101Life Facebook Page for our game show video segments and daily wellness posts curated from around the web.

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    Dieting Fears…How to Keep Satisfied

    I know that when some people think of eating healthy or going on a diet, the first thing that comes up is the fear t...

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    Awesome Summer Salad

    When it’s hot out there, you want to eat food that is refreshing. Well, try this one out.  It is tasty and ref...

  • delay, diet, healthy eating, start today, procrastinate
    Maybe Tomorrow?

    I know I have done this before, have you?  I am going to start eating healthy tomorrow and so today I am going to ea...

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    15 Ways to Relax

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    Energize Your Travel Plans

    I do a lot of traveling.  Planes, trains and automobiles isn’t just a film I’ve watched, it’s my w...

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    The Reality of Social Media

    THE REALITY OF SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING: Much of what you see posted on social media is a carefully curated stream showi...

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    Cranberries may be key defense vs. superbugs

    Research explores how flavonols in cranberries repel bacteria. By Shara Rutberg, New Hope Network Researchers have u...

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    Nuts May Crack Inflammation

    Nuts’ healthy powers may lie in their relationship with inflammation, according to new research. By Shara Rutberg, N...

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    Who Got You Sick?

    So when you have a health concern, even if it is just a cold, do you ever think about how you got it? Do you blame y...

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Health Challenge Davids Market

Wellness 101 Health Challenge at David’s Natural Market

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Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day


About 90% of Americans eat more sodium than is recommended for a healthy diet.


Recent reports project that by 2030, half of all adults (115 million adults) in the United States will be obese.


Children now spend more than seven and a half hours a day in front of a screen


Meet The Host & Co-Hosts Of Wellness 101:

A.J. Ali
Executive Producer and Host

I'm the host of Wellness 101. As an award-winning producer, writer and TV host, I'm excited to be leading this unique venture, combining various forms of media and events to help consumers connect with the amazing world of wellness. I love golf, travel and my wife of 22 years Jane Ali (I saved the best for last). In the summer of 2014, I launched Wellness 101 by golfing and promoting wellness in every state -- 50 states in 101 days! You can read about my journey, which continues, in the Wellness 101 blog. From my family to yours, here's to your health!

Pia Civiletti 'The Sassy Italian Lady'

Yes, I am 'sassy' and I live life in the same way. Getting out there and doing all the things I love to do. Working with Wellness 101 as a Producer and resident Health Consultant gives me the ability to promote people, products and lifestyle philosophies that impact what you put 'On Your Body', 'In Your Body' and 'Around Your Body'. I love all aspects of wellness as the owner of All Over Wellness, as a certified Holistic Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Reiki Master and being able to educate and consult with people about their overall health and happiness. We are all coming together to help you and the communities you live in to be happier and healthier.


Jane is a triathlete, equestrian and breast cancer survivor on a mission to help other survivors and their families to life their best life. A bookkeeper, Google Adwords and organizational expert by trade. She loves adventure and anything that walks on four legs and is furry. She has been voted by the Wellness 101 team as the one most likely to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Dr. Denise Glasper

Dr. Glasper is owner and founder of Revive Dental, and leader of the “Teach Me Dental” movement, is redefining the way people understand and treat their dental health. A fierce advocate for the practice of comprehensive dentistry, Dr. Denise believes that too often patients approach the care of their mouths separate from the care of rest of their bodies. Shortly after Dr. Denise graduated from dental school, she diagnosed and treated her own mother who had been suffering for a long time from periodontal disease. Dr. Denise's passion for her craft was forged in that moment. Because of that experience she has become a gift to the world, saving lives by educating people about the importance of oral health as it relates to overall health.