Get Fit To Live Through Winter
I’m looking at scenes of the blizzard on CNN today and learning about all the deaths due to this historic Mid-Atlantic storm. Unless you’re elderly or living with an illness or injury, if you’re having trouble with things like shoveling snow, this should be a wake up call to get into better shape. According to WebMD, more than 11,000 adults and children wind up going to the hospital every year due to snow shoveling injuries. We’re talking bad backs, broken bones, head injuries and event heart attacks.
Being physically fit isn’t about looking good in Facebook photos (well, maybe it’s partly about that), it’s about the ability to survive natural disasters and other things that life (or death) can throw at you. Back in the day, we had to be ready for anything, like the possibility of being eaten by a dinosaur. These days, it’s just as important to have the strength to take care of yourself and those you love in case of an emergency. GET FIT so that you can help lift a car off of someone, escape a burning building, or shovel snow without possibly having a heart attack.
This is even more important the older you get — and we’re not talking old-old either. According to WebMD, people over the age of 55 are more than 4x more likely to have heart issues while shoveling snow than young people.
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