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Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in order for us to grow. Most of us will grow only when we get uncomfortable with our lives, when it gets tight , no more room to play.We usually could never fly high or get our best from ourselves without struggles or something that intrigue us to raise above our habits and comfort zone.

2 comfortable life may even cripple us. problems and difficulties in life make you stronger and smarter, Its the sad truth!

We have to invest in ourr lives to get the best and out most of it. never stop educating yourself, always try to raise your spiritual level and dig deep in to your soul… ask questions, and try to free yourself from the rules that tight your spirit and soul to this lifestyle. Your soul can be free and happy if you be yourself. Imagine you have all the money in the world… what would you do with your day?? if your spirit and soul are clean and pure , you will want to give , share and help . if your spirit and soul are suffocated in your physical body you will want more and more and will never have rest in your life,

Imagine you have one day to live?? what would you do?? you will gather all your energy, run away from the computer… and go outside to explore and enjoy last time the beauty of the world, the ocean breeze, the smells, the testy food. Everything will sound like music to your ears. your senses will be awake. you will want to feel the physical joy. But then you will run to apology the people you loved and hurt so much… you will realize how much our ego is a barrier to love and happiness. TODAY you can decide to free your soul by changing your habits and live in gratitude day after day. Times waits for no one. Today is a gift!!

Live in a healthy body!

Nava Feller

About the Founder and President of Nava Natural My name is Nava, creator of Nava Natural Skin Care. Living a healthy and happy lifestyle had always been a priority to me. At a young age I was a professional dancer who taught and performed jazz dance. Then I became an instructor for fitness and aerobic to help people stay in shape, be healthier and happier. I also got the opportunity to train a soccer team in Switzerland. Back then it was not so common, but today’s fitness includes a variety of sports to stretch and condition your body to be the best it can be. After a few years in the fitness industry, I followed my passion which lead me to the health and beauty arena. When I was introduced to the beauty industry, I was mostly drawn to the natural essence of beauty. I love seeing the reaction of people when I introduce them to wonderful products – that make skin feel good – their face softens, they smile and relax. It’s beautiful to watch the change. People become nice, smile more and look more at ease. A few years later, I faced a very personal challenge when my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the young age of 41. The experience of loosing my husband only made me alert to learn more about natural health. Life became more precious. Today, I am aware that the source of the problem is toxic and a weak body, that needs to be cured and healed naturally. Years after my husbands passing, my beautiful daughter had symptoms of weight gain, no energy, even depression. Stubborn fat clogged her waist area, draining her energy. It was difficult for me to watch her go through the emotional pain. Her body was working fine and traditional doctors could not help her. Within a month, after the introduction to a master cleanse fast and natural healing, she was able to release and heal her emotional pain she was holding back for years from the loss of her father. She lost weight and gained the power of natural healing. My instinct and belief in the power of Mother Nature leaves me with no doubt that there is a natural solution to the sickness so many people face, whether it is an internal or external sickness. Today, Nava natural is a healthy lifestyle company that focus on optimum health and beauty from the inside out. Nava Natural does not only provide a healthy, natural and organic product line for the skin to heal and shine; it also provide herbal formulas to clean and enhance body performance from the inside. In addition, we send inspirational support to those who are seeking to make a difference in their life. We are here to serve, educate and support. Lets not leave anyone behind. Together we can create a better world. May we all be blessed with peace and love on Earth! ~NAVA NATURAL See how my products can benefit you: “Look deep into nature, and you will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein

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