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A Simple And Free Digestive Aid That Also Enhances Relationships


A Simple And Free Digestive Aid That Also Enhances Relationships

As our society has increasingly shifted from eating al fresco to eating “al desko,” we have also seen a concurrent rise in obesity and digestive issues that would be greatly reduced simply by the act of movement. We are not meant to be sedentary beings. We are meant to be farmers, hunters and gatherers. All of these acts require movement. When we eat to nourish and resupply our bodies, we are then meant to go again to expend energy, to move — lest we be eaten by dinosaurs.

One of the things I remember most fondly from my two years living in Sicily is the way that virtually everyone in town would go for a walk after a meal. It was a communal exercise that not only helped with one’s health but also helped to build relationships and community. These were not power walks that would leave people drenched in sweat. No, these were more leisurely in nature, providing a massage of the inner workings of the body and an opportunity to stimulate conversation. When was the last time you and a family member or friend went for a leisurely walk in your community or, during work hours, in the neighborhood surrounding your office? I recommend that you give it a try.

One of the best things you can do to help your digestion is to go for a 20 to 30 minute walk after you eat a meal. Most people don’t take this opportunity to get out and stretch the legs, breathe in some fresh air, get some sunlight and do an easy workout for the digestive tract. As you take your walk, you are expanding and contracting virtually every muscle surrounding the stomach and and the rest of your digestive system. Simply by going for a walk, you are making it easier for your body to do it’s job in processing the nutrients from food into your system and helping it to move waste materials out of your body.

If you suffer from digestive problems, you may want to try this simple action of going for a walk after every meal before you resort to medications that sometimes come with harmful side effects. If you can, take that walk with a friend or family member to also experience some side effects that nurture the soul.

A.J. Ali

A.J. Ali, "The Wellness Motivator!" is an award-winning writer, producer, actor, host, voice over artist, emcee and creative visionary. He is the Founder and Executive Producer of EclipseVSC since 1999. A.J. is currently producing and hosting the multimedia wellness entity "Wellness 101" with a vision of helping to change the focus of healthcare in America from sickness to wellness ( To launch the Wellness 101 brand, A.J. did the impossible. Starting with only $500, he traveled through all 50 states in 101 days June 16 through September 24, 2014 -- starting in Melbourne Beach, FL and ending up on a sun soaked beach in Hawaii after changing lives in all 50 states. His "True Champion's 30-Day Challenge" book is transforming lives nationwide ( Now, Wellness 101 is taking human transformation to another level through holistic wellness. A.J. has more than 30 years experience in sports and entertainment as an athlete, artist and social entrepreneur. He has founded and owned two pro soccer teams and has spearheaded hundreds of successful projects. A.J. created and starred in the TV show "Good Fellas of Baltimore" on Fox in 2011, which raised more than $250,000 for charities in Baltimore and inspired fans to join the cast to help people in need. As an on-air talent and voice over artist, his enthusiastic love of people makes him believable and inspirational. As a wellness speaker and emcee, he is inspiring. An accomplished writer with a conversational style, his work is transformative. His 2007 song "Through the Darkness, Into the Light," compilation music CD "Survivor Celebration" and Survivor Celebration campaign helping cancer survivors won the coveted Hollywood FAME Award for National Community Service. As a philanthropist and entrepreneur, A.J. has raised more than $25 million for charities. He teaches his charity event success methods through a workshop called "MAKE IT RAIN." He is proud to be a U.S. Air Force Veteran (83-87). His mantra is "LOVE is the answer." He is an avid golfer.

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