September is Suicide Prevention Month
Last month I was filmed for a documentary coming out about Justin Fashanu, the british soccer star who took his own life in 1998. He was a close friend and we worked together in management and ownership of a pro soccer team. One minute we were doing big things with a bright future ahead of us and the next minute, he was gone. It seemed like things spiraled down quickly for him, but the issues that triggered that final act had been building for a long time. September is Suicide Prevention Month. If you are struggling with issues that seem insurmountable, or if you know anyone who is, please get help. Don’t hold it inside. Nothing is worth taking your life. Nothing is insurmountable. The sun ALWAYS rises after even the darkest night. If you get up and it’s cloudy, it doesn’t mean the sun doesn’t exist, it’s just hidden. Things will clear up. Remember, growth comes not just during the sunny times, but also during those dark, cloudy moments. It may be painful and unpleasant now, but just trust me, things will get better. I know because that year in 1998, I also lost my brother Abbey to cancer, I had some very difficult business situations to deal with, we almost lost a dream home that we wound up having to sell and my marriage was going through very tough times. I had moments where I thought maybe it wasn’t worth carrying on. Somehow, I stuck it out — with the help of some very good friends and some professional counselors. One by one the problems evolved and the clouds cleared up. It wasn’t easy, but I got through it. It was that period that really sparked my desire to live a wellness oriented lifestyle. Looking at where I am today, I’m glad I made the choices I made. If you’re dealing with overwhelming things in your life, get help. Trust me on that one, you’ll be glad you did. God loves you, and so do I. Peace and love.
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