Recently there is a lot of talk about zumba and other low intensity aerobic type exercises as burning as much or more as p90x/insanity and MLRT type workouts because they keep you in the goldilocks of fat burning zones. I call BS. The research to back this up does not take into account the after burn affect of recovery and muscle repair. Side note: it is definitely NOT healthy or beneficial to workout like a crazy homeless person on drugs shouting profanity (Steph and Greer lol). However, my theory is you get out what you put in: The more effort, breath, sweat, muscle failing that takes place SAFELY, the more calories that were AND will continue to burn. When looking at a chart graphing out the calorie expenditure for an entire day, you would find the more intense movement routines to yield a much higher burn. And that is because the after-burn affect of muscle repair and recovery. Muscles aren’t usually damaged too much doing zumba and if they are its not in comparison to doing High Intensity/Overload workouts. Not saying it’s not a great workout and PERFECT for a starting point. Although I have yet to try Zumba, in all honesty. I’ve been waiting for my green leotard to come in the mail.
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