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Digestive Problems? You Are Not Alone!

There are too many people living with digestive problems today.  I have seen so many different types of medication commercials playing over and over to encourage us, the consumers, to buy one product over another, for one type of digestive symptom or another.  Digestive relief...

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What are superfoods?

By Organic Facts The term ‘superfood’ is used to refer to any food with a high density of beneficial nutrients, proven health benefits, and no or relatively few adverse properties. With the amount of research going on, it seem as if a new superfoods are announced...

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The Difference Between Religion & Spirituality

What is spirituality? How is it different from religion?  What’s the difference between the two?  Many people I talk to don’t know how to explain that they are “spiritual” and not “religious.” I’ve noticed that people generally seem to look at religion as limiting and repressive...

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Recently there is a lot of talk about zumba and other low intensity aerobic type exercises as burning as much or more as p90x/insanity and MLRT type workouts because they keep you in the goldilocks of fat burning zones. I call BS. The research to back this...

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Is sitting the new smoking? CLICK TO WATCH THE VIDEO They say sitting is the new smoking. Not in the way of looking cool lol. More in the silent killer part. Sitting for long periods does a myriad of horrible things. Among them include slowing down all systems in...

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The power of life is in your DNA.

The human intelligence , ego and pride can not except that there is something far beyond there understanding….scientist are spending so much time and energy to research whats already known and written in the bible for so many years. Many people , that consider themselves intellectual...

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