Control your thoughts Control your life
We only have one life to live and unfortunately a large population of people never get the opportunity to truly LIVE before they die. This is largely due to the fact that fear and disappointment haunts the minds of so many people and those derogatory emotions produce inaction, inadequacy and ultimately regret. Unfortunately, the build up and accumulation of these unwanted feelings produce a variety of emotional and physical ailments. YES, you CAN give birth to disease in your body simply from the thoughts you allow to live in your mind. And YES, you can personally sabotage your own future by thinking negative in the present moment.
So, what do we do about it? What can one do that is completely over and sick and tired of living below their desired standard? Easy answer but a work in progress “Control your Thoughts” You say what do you mean? How does one control their thoughts? Well, each person on this planet is the CEO of their own mindset. Meaning they are the top dog in charge when it comes to what they decide to think about, ponder or dwell on. We have the power to choose how we feel about something. How we feel about something will then determine how we emotionally react to it. How we emotionally react to it will determine our mood, our energy and ultimately our mindset. So, you have a conscious decision to make. Is this thought serving me? Meaning is there value in this thought? Is it moving me forward? How does it make me feel? You see even if things don’t work out the way you expected them to, the quicker you except that fact the quicker you can begin creating the outcome you actually desire. Life is about falling short and getting the gold, winning and losing. Losing can be the teacher for future success. Its all about your perception and ultimately your mindset.
So, focus hard and await the next opportunity to control your thoughts. Await the next moment for things to be going completely wrong and not in your favor. And when they do CELEBRATE! Yes, when everything in you wants to feel sad, disappointed or otherwise—– CELEBRATE. Trick your mind into a positive state. This may seem crazy but the more momentum you build in the direction desired the quicker you will arrive.
Control your thoughts control your LIFE.
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